Our Story
MinorityFinance.com helps women and minorities obtain information on running a business. We publish the Women and Minority Business Financing Guide. We also provide online small business financing and investing seminars, classes and videos. We offer small business consultation services specifically focused on meeting the needs of women, minority and veteran-owned firms, and help with small business financing via crowdfunding.
We launched MinorityFinance.com in 1998
We were the first website focused on women and minority business financing specifically. Since then, we have helped a generation of women and minority owned businesses, many of whom have obtained financing. We have been cited in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the American Banker Newspaper, Black Enterprise Magazine and other publications as providing unique, value-adding insight, advice and assistance. We have published several reports on minority business financing, an ongoing series of reports detailing and describing women and minority-owned banks, thrifts and brokerage firms, have authored three books on crowdfunding and, since 2010, published the Minority and Women-owned Company Small Business Financing Guide and Workbook.
Minority and Women-owned Company Small Business Financing Guide and Workbook
The Guide and Workbook provide actionable information minorities and women can use to obtain small business financing.
Minority and Women-owned Company Small Business Financing Class
Our online class provides actionable information, strategies and tips women and minority-owned firms can use to get financing.
We have been helping for some time
We spoke at a workshop titled "Strategies for Tomorrow's Natural Gas Industry: A 'How To' Workshop for Minority Entrepreneurs and Industry Personnel" at the U.S. Department of Energy on July 17, 1996.

Track Record
We provided advice and assistance that a women owned business used to obtain $500,000 in small business financing.
view our servicesHow we work
We start with our online resources and go from there. We recommend that business owners (or want to be business owners) take the class, get the books, attend one of our seminars. We can also counsel you one-on-one. We are independent and objective.
For five consecutive years, we provided a forecast of the business environment for Black firms in Texas at the Economic Forecasting luncheon sponsored by The Texas Association of African American Chambers of Commerce.
In a first for an NBA team (the Minnesota Timberwolves), we participated in a showcase of entrepreneurs and financial experts during a business expo at an NBA game in downtown Minneapolis
In an article in US News and World Report, we correctly warned about the impact of the First Bank Failure of 2008. US News and World Report. January 28, 2008
We testified before both the Ways and Means and the Financial Services Committees of the US House of Representatives.
Our Clients
We are proud to have worked with several women and minority owned firms over the years. We have also worked with some of the largest financial institutions in the world.

Meet the Founder
We've enjoyed more years practicing than most like to admit.
Our experience and expertise cannot be duplicated. It is both broad and deep, given that we have been active in social investing for some time:
- Speaker at the 15th Annual SRI in the Rockies Conference. Thursday, October 7, 2004. Keystone, Colorado.Topic: Corporate and Mutual Fund Scandals in Review.
- Speaker at the 13th Annual SRI in the Rockies Conference. Thursday, October 20, 2002. The Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado Topic: The New Markets Tax Credit Program: Guide for Social Investors.
- Presentation to Sampo Fund Management, Helsinki, Finland. 21 January 2002. Topic: SRI investing today and outlook for the future.
- SPI-Finance - a project undertaken by a group of financial institutions from Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and the UK. It aims to develop key performance indicators for the financial industry covering social performance.
- Ethical Investing. Social investing conference, Stuttgart, Germany. Held on April 4th and 5th, 2001. Described an approach to social investing.
- Strategies for Tomorrow's Natural Gas Industry: A "How To" Workshop for Minority Entrepreneurs and Industry Personnel. U.S. Department of Energy. July 17 - 19, 1996.
- Television, newspaper and magazine articles.